Administrative Rules on the Acceptance of Foreign Students


Administrative Rules on the Acceptance of Foreign Students by Colleges and Universities
第一章 总则
第一条 为增进我国与世界各国人民之间的了解和友谊,促进高等学校的国际交流与合作,加强对接受和培养外国留学生工作的规范管理,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》和《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称高等学校,系指经教育部批准的实施全日制高等学历教育的普通高等学校;本规定所称外国留学生是指持外国护照在我国高等学校注册接受学历教育或非学历教育的外国公民。
第三条 高等学校接受和培养外国留学生的工作,应当遵循“深化改革,加强管理,保证质量,积极稳妥发展”的方针。
第四条 接受外国留学生的高等学校,应当具有必备的教学和生活条件,以及相应的教学科研水平和管理水平。
第五条 高等学校接受和培养外国留学生,应当遵循国家外交方针,维护国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。
第二章 管理体制
第六条 教育部统筹管理全国来华留学工作,负责制定接受外国留学生的方针、政策,归口管理“中国政府奖学金”,协调、指导各地区和学校接受外国留学生工作,并对各地区和学校的外国留学生管理工作和教育质量进行评估。
第七条 高等学校接受外国留学生,由省、自治区、直辖市教育行政部门会同同级外事和公安部门审批,并报教育部备案。高等学校接受享受中国政府奖学金的外国留学生,由教育部审批。
第八条 省、自治区、直辖市教育行政部门负责本地区高等学校接受外国留学生工作的协调管理。外事、公安等有关部门协助教育行政部门和高等学校做好外国留学生的管理工作。
第九条 高等学校具体负责外国留学生的招生、教育教学及日常管理工作。学校应当有校级领导分管本校的外国留学生工作;学校应当根据有关规定建立外国留学生管理制度,并设有外国留学生事务的归口管理机构或管理人员。
第三章 外国留学生的类别、招生和录取
第十条 高等学校可以为外国留学生提供学历教育和非学历教育。接受学历教育的类别为:专科生、本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生;接受非学历教育的类别为:进修生和研究学者。
第十一条 高等学校应当制定外国留学生招生办法,公布招生章程,按规定招收外国留学生。
第十二条 高等学校招收外国留学生名额不受国家招生计划指标限制。
第十三条 高等学校应当按照国家有关规定确定并公布对外国留学生的收费项目及收费标准,并以人民币计价收费。
第十四条 高等学校接受外国留学生的专业应当是对外开放专业。为外国留学生单独设立新的学历教育专业,必须报教育部审批。
第十五条 申请到我国高等学校学习、进修的外国公民,应当具备相应的资格并符合入学条件,有可靠的经济保证和在华事务担保人。
第十六条 高等学校应当对申请来华学习者进行入学资格审查、考试或考核。录取标准由学校自行确定。对使用汉语接受学历教育者,应当进行汉语水平考试。
第十七条 外国留学生的录取由高等学校决定。高等学校应当优先录取国家计划内招收的外国留学生;高等学校可以自行招收校际交流外国留学生和自费外国留学生。
第十八条 高等学校可以接受由其他学校录取或转学的外国留学生,但应当事先征得原接受学校同意。
第四章 奖学金制度
第十九条 中国政府为外国留学生来华学习设立“中国政府奖学金”。
第二十条 教育部根据我国政府与外国政府签订的协议以及我国与外国交流的需要,制定享受中国政府奖学金外国留学生的招生计划。
第二十一条 享受中国政府奖学金来华学习的外国留学生应当接受享受奖学金资格的年度评审。评审工作由高等学校按照有关规定进行。对未通过评审的外国留学生,将根据规定中止或取消其享受中国政府奖学金的资格。
第二十二条 地方人民政府和高等学校可以根据需要单独或联合为外国留学生设立奖学金。中国和外国企业、事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人,经征得高等学校和省级教育主管部门同意,也可以为外国留学生设立奖学金,但不得附加不合理条件。
第五章 教学管理
第二十三条 高等学校应当根据学校统一的教学计划安排外国留学生的学习,并结合外国留学生的心理和文化特点开展教育教学活动。在确保教学质量的前提下,可以适当调整外国留学生的必修和选修课程。
第二十四条 汉语和中国概况应当作为接受学历教育的外国留学生的必修课;政治理论应当作为学习哲学、政治学和经济学类专业的外国留学生的必修课,其他专业的外国留学生可以申请免修。
第二十五条 汉语为高等学校培养外国留学生的基本教学语言。对汉语水平达不到专业学习要求的外国留学生,学校应当提供必要的汉语补习条件。
第二十六条 高等学校组织外国留学生进行教学实习和社会实践,应当按教学计划与在校的中国学生一起进行;但在选择实习或实践地点时,应当遵守有关涉外规定。
第二十七条 高等学校应当根据教学需要,为外国留学生提供必要的学习条件。外国留学生在教学计划以外使用其他设备和获取其他资料,应当提出申请,由学校按照有关规定和程序审批。
第二十八条 高等学校根据国家有关规定对外国留学生进行学籍管理。高等学校对外国留学生作勒令退学或开除学籍处分时,应当报省级教育行政部门备案;如受到上述处分者为国家计划内招收的外国留学生,学校还应当书面通知国家留学基金管理委员会。
第二十九条 学校根据有关规定为外国留学生颁发毕业证书(结业证书、肄业证书)或写实性学业证明,为获得学位的外国留学生颁发学位证书。学校可以根据需要提供上述证书的外文翻译文本。
第六章 校内管理
第三十条 高等学校依照国家有关法律、法规和学校的规章制度对外国留学生进行教育和管理。学校应当教育外国留学生遵守我国的法律、法规及学校的规章制度和纪律,尊重我国的社会公德和风俗习惯
第三十一条 高等学校一般不组织外国留学生参加政治性活动,但可以组织外国留学生自愿参加公益劳动等活动。
第三十二条 高等学校应当允许、鼓励外国留学生参加学校学生会组织举办的文体活动;外国留学生也可以自愿参加我国在重大节日举行的庆祝活动;在外国留学生比较集中的城市或地区,有关部门和学校应当为外国留学生举办有益于身心健康的文体活动。
第三十三条 高等学校应当尊重外国留学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所。校内严禁进行传教及宗教聚会等活动。
第三十四条 外国留学生经高等学校批准,可以在校内指定的地点和范围,举行庆祝本国重要传统节日的活动,但不得有反对、攻击其他国家的内容或违反公共道德的言行。
第三十五条 高等学校应当为外国留学生提供食宿等必要的生活服务设施,并根据有关规定建立和公布服务设施的使用管理制度。
第三十六条 外国留学生在校学习期间不得就业、经商,或从事其他经营性活动,但可以按学校规定参加勤工助学活动。
第七章 社会管理
第三十七条 外国留学生的社会管理,由有关行政部门负责。高等学校应当配合有关行政部门,做好外国留学生的社会管理工作。
第三十八条 外国留学生可以在校外住宿,但应当按规定到居住地公安机关办理登记手续。
第三十九条 有关部门应当为外国留学生正常的学习和社会实践活动提供方便,收费标准应当与中国学生相同。
第四十条 外国留学生在我国境内进行出版、结社、集会、游行、示威等活动,应当遵守我国有关法律、法规的规定。外国留学生在我国境内进行宗教活动必须遵守《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动的管理规定》。
第四十一条 外国留学生携带、邮寄物品入出境,应当符合我国有关管理规定。
第八章 入出境和居留手续
第四十二条 外国留学生一般应当持普通护照和“X”或“F”字签证办理学习注册手续。来华学习六个月以上者,凭《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202表)、学校的《录取通知书》和《外国人体格检查记录》,向中国驻外签证机关申请“X”字签证;来华学习期限不满六个月者,凭《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202表)和学校的《录取通知书》,向中国驻外签证机关申请“F”字签证;以团组形式来华的短期留学人员,也可以凭被授权单位的邀请函电,申请“F”字团体签证。
第四十三条 持外国外交、公务、官员或特别护照和中国外交、公务或礼遇签证来华者,如需到高等学校学习或进修,应当持本国外交机构出具的、声明在华学习期间放弃特权与豁免的照会,向中国省部级外事部门提出申请,经批准后凭外事部门的同意函到公安机关出入境管理部门改办“X”或“F”字签证;持外国外交、公务、官员或特别护照根据双边协议免签证来华者,如需到高等学校学习或进修,应当换持普通护照,到公安机关出入境管理部门办理“X”或“F”字签证;持普通护照但非“X”或“F”字签证来华者,如需到高等学校学习或进修,应当到公安机关出入境管理部门申请改办“X”或“F”字签证。外事和公安机关出入境管理部门受理上述人员的申请时,应当查验申请人的《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202表)、学校的《录取通知书》和《外国人体格检查记录》。
第四十四条 外国留学生家属可以凭接受学校的邀请函,向我驻外使(领)馆申请“L”字签证来华陪读。公安机关出入境管理部门凭接受学校的公函,为外国留学生陪读家属办理签证延期,陪读家属在华停留期限不得超过外国留学生居留证的有效期限。
第四十五条 学习时间在6个月以上的外国留学生来华后,必须在规定期限内到卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续。无法提供《外国人体格检查记录》者,必须在当地卫生检疫部门进行体检。经检查确认患有我国法律规定不准入境疾病者,应当立即离境回国。
第四十六条 持“X”签证入境的外国留学生必须在自入境之日起30日内,向当地公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理《外国人居留证》。在学期间,如居留证上填写的项目有变更,必须在10日内到当地公安机关出入境管理部门办理变更手续。
第四十七条 外国留学生转学至另一城市时,应当先在原居留地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁出手续。到达迁入地后,必须于10日内到迁入地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁入手续。
第四十八条 外国留学生在学期间临时出境,必须在出境前办理再入境手续。签证或居留证有效期满后仍需在华学习或停留的,必须在签证或居留证有效期满之前办理延期手续。
第四十九条 外国留学生毕业、结业、肄业、退学后,必须在规定的时间内出境。对受到勒令退学或开除学籍处分的外国留学生,学校应当及时通知公安机关出入境管理部门。公安机关出入境管理部门依法收缴其所持外国人居留证或缩短其在华停留期。
第九章 附则
第五十条 实施全日制高等学历教育的普通高等学校以外的教育机构接受外国留学生,由教育部负责审批,有关管理办法另行制定。

Administrative Rules on the Acceptance of Foreign Students by Colleges and Universities
 (Promulgated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security on January 31, 2000 and come into effect as of the date of promulgation)
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 In order to deepen understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreign peoples, to promote international exchange and cooperation among universities and colleges, and to improve standardized administration of the acceptance and training of foreign students, these Rules are hereby enacted in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Law on the Administration of Foreigners' Entry to and Exit from Chinese Territory.
Article 2 "Universities" and "colleges" in these Rules refer to universities and colleges approved by the Ministry of Education to provide full-time education. "Foreign students" refers to foreign citizens with foreign passports registering and attending degree courses or non-degree courses in Chinese universities and colleges.
Article 3 Universities and colleges shall follow the guidelines of "deepening reform, enhancing administration, guaranteeing quality and making active and steady progress" in the acceptance and training of foreign students.
Article 4 Universities and colleges accepting foreign students should possess the necessary teaching and living facilities, and shall have corresponding teaching, research and administrative capacity.
Article 5 When accepting and training foreign students, universities and colleges shall follow national policies on foreign affairs, and safeguard national sovereignty, security and public interests.
Chapter II Administrative System
Article 6 The Ministry of Education is in charge of the administration of foreign students throughout the country and is responsible for the formulation of guidelines and policies concerning the acceptance of foreign students. The ministry is also responsible for administering Chinese Government Scholarships, for providing coordination and guidance on the acceptance of foreign students by universities and colleges in all locales, and for evaluating the quality of administration and education thereof.
The Ministry of Education entrusts the national foreign study funds management council with responsibility for the enrollment and the specific administration of foreign students who fall within the State plan.
Article 7 The acceptance of foreign students by universities and colleges shall be subject to joint review and approval by the Educational Administration Ministration Departments of Provincial, autonomous region, and centrally-governed municipality governments, and by Departments of Foreign Affairs and Public Security on the same administrative level, and also subject to filling with the Ministry of Education for record-keeping purposes. The acceptance of foreign students funded by Chinese Government Scholarships shall be subject to examination and approval by the Ministry of Education.
Article 8 Departments of Education in all provinces, autonomous regions, and centrally-governed municipalities are responsible for the coordination and administration of the acceptance of foreign students within their own jurisdictions. Departments of Foreign Affairs, Public Security and other related departments shall assist Departments of Education, and universities and colleges in the administration of foreign students.
Article 9 Universities and colleges are responsible for foreign student enrollment, instruction and routine administration. Each university and college shall have an organ or staff in charge of the administration of foreign student affairs.
Chapter III Type of Foreign Students and Their Enrollment and Admission
Article 10 Universities and colleges may provide foreign students with degree education and non-degree education. Students for degree education may be classified as junior college (associate's) degree Candidates, bachelor's degree candidates, master's degree candidates or doctoral degree candidates. Students for non-degree education may be classified as training-course attendants or visiting scholars.
Article 11 Universities and colleges shall formulate guidelines concerning the enrollment of foreign students, publish enrollment rules and admit foreign students as stipulated in such rules.
Article 12 The number of foreign students accepted by universities and colleges shall not be subject to enrollment limitations under the State enrollment plan.
Article 13 In accordance with relevant national regulations, universities and colleges shall set and publish itemized and standardized fees to be collected from foreign students. Fees shall be collected in RMB.
Article 14 Foreign students may choose majors that are open to foreign students. New majors offered exclusively to foreign students require review and approval by the Ministry of Education.
Article 15 A foreign citizen applying for study and training in Chinese universities and colleges shall have requisite qualifications, meet entrance requirements, provide credible proof of economic support and a guarantor of his or her activities within Chinese territory.
Article 16 Universities and colleges shall review applicants' qualifications for entrance and may administer tests or assessments to applicants. The criteria for admission shall be formulated by individual universities and colleges. Chinese language proficiency tests shall be administered to those applying for degree education in the Chinese language.
Article 17 Decisions concerning acceptance of foreign students shall be made by the individual university or college. Universities and colleges shall give priority to admitting foreign students who fall within the State Enrollment Plan. Universities and colleges may, at their own discretion, admit foreign students in connection with international exchange programs and self-funded students.
Article 18 Universities and colleges may accept foreign students who have already been admitted by other universities and colleges or those that transfer to the university or college for study contingent upon the consent of the original university or college.
Chapter IV Scholarship System
Article 19 The Chinese government has established a Chinese Government Scholarship for foreign students studying in China.
Chinese Government Scholarships may be classified as undergraduate student scholarships, graduate student scholarships, training course scholarships, and so forth.
The Ministry of Education may, where necessary, set up other scholarships for special research or training courses.
Article 20 The Ministry of Education shall make plans concerning the enrollment of foreign students funded by Chinese Government Scholarship based on agreements concluded between China and foreign governments or as China's exchange needs require.
Article 21 Foreign students funded by Chinese Government Scholarships shall be subject to annual appraisals of their scholarship eligibility. The appraisals are to be carried out by universities and colleges pursuant to relevant regulations. For those foreign students who fail to receive a satisfactory appraisal, eligibility to receive a Chinese Government Scholarship shall be suspended or rescinded in accordance with regulations.
Article 22 Local governments, universities and colleges may singly or jointly set up scholarships for foreign students. Foreign enterprises, Chinese enterprises, institutions, associations, other social groups, and individuals, with the consent of universities and colleges and of Departments of Education under provincial-level governments, may establish scholarships for foreign students, but no additional or unreasonable conditions shall be affixed.
Chapter V Administration of Teaching
Article 23 Universities and colleges make arrangements for foreign students' study according to the unified teaching plan of the university or college, and undertake instructional activities after taking into consideration the psychological and cultural characteristics of foreign students. In order to maintain the prerequisites for quality education, universities and colleges may make appropriate adjustments to foreign students' compulsory and elective courses.
Article 24 Both Chinese Language and a Survey of China shall be compulsory courses for foreign students receiving degree education. Theory of Politics shall be a compulsory course for foreign students whose major is philosophy, politics or economics; other foreign students may apply for exemption.
Article 25 IF the Chinese language level of a foreign student taking courses in Chinese does not meet the requirements for study in his or her major, the university or college shall provide necessary prerequisites for improving the student's Chinese language skills.
The university or college may, according to its own specific circumstances, offer courses in English or other foreign languages to foreign students. The Thesis abstract of foreign student receiving degree education in foreign languages shall be written in Chinese.
Article 26 When making arrangements for teaching and practical training, universities and colleges shall, according to teaching plans, place foreign students together with Chinese students; however, site selection for internships and practical training shall be carried out in accordance with relevant stipulations concerning foreign affairs.
Article27 Universities and colleges shall, as instruction demands, provide appropriate learning conditions for foreign students. If foreign students need to use equipment or have access to materials that are not included in the teaching plan, they shall apply to the university or college for review and approval by the university or college in accordance with relevant stipulations and procedures.
Article 28 Universities and colleges shall manage the academic files of foreign students according to relevant national regulations. The decision of any university or college to force a foreign student to withdraw or to order a foreign student's expulsion shall be reported to the provincial-level Department of Education as a matter of record. If said foreign student has been included in the State Enrollment Plan, the university or college shall also submit a written notice to the national foreign study funds management council.
Article 29 Universities and colleges shall, according to relevant regulations, grant certificates of graduation (certificate of completion of study, certificate of uncompleted study) or descriptive proof of study to foreign students, and grant degree certificates to those who have obtained an academic degree. The university or college may, where necessary, provide foreign language versions of the certificates mentioned above.
Chapter VI On-campus Administration
Article 30 Universities and colleges shall carry out the education and management of foreign students according to the laws and regulations of the State and the rules of said universities and colleges. Universities and colleges shall advise foreign students to abide by the laws and regulations of the State and the rules and disciplinary requirements of the university or college, and advise them to respect Chinese social morals, customs and practices.
Article 31 As a general rule, universities and colleges shall not organize foreign students to participate in political activities, but they may organize foreign students to take part in voluntary work in the public interest.
Article 32 Universities and colleges shall permit or encourage foreign students to take part in cultural and sports activities organized by the Students' Union. Foreign students may voluntarily participate in celebrations on China's major festivals. In cities or places where there are many foreign students, relevant administrative departments, universities and colleges shall organize cultural and sports activities for the benefit of the physical and mental health of foreign students.
Foreign students may, upon the approval of the university or college, establish associations on campus, and, within the scope stipulated by Chinese laws and regulations, organize activities under the leadership and administration of the university or college. For the establishment of organizations that span across geographic areas or colleges, foreign students shall make application to the appropriate Chinese government authorities.
Article 33 Universities and colleges shall respect the ethnic customs and religious beliefs of foreign students, but shall not provide places for foreign students to undertake religious ceremonies. Missionary work or religious gatherings on campus are prohibited.
Article 34 Foreign students may, upon the approval of the university or college, hold celebrations on their home country's important traditional festival days within approved locations or areas. During these activities, attacks against other countries, or words or actions that violate social morality shall not be permitted.
Article 35 Universities and colleges shall provide foreign students with accommodations and other necessary living services and facilities, and shall formulate and publish administrative rules on the use of these services and facilities in accordance with relevant provisions.
Article 36 Foreign students are not allowed to seek employment, conduct business or engage in any profit-making activities during their term of study; however, they are allowed to participate in work-study programs as stipulate by their university or college.
Chapter VII Management of Social Affairs
Article 37 Appropriate administrative departments shall be responsible for managing social affairs for foreign students. Universities and colleges shall assist appropriate administrative departments in the management of social affairs for foreign students.
Article 38 Foreign students may live off campus, but must comply with registration formalities at the Department of Public Security in the place where they reside.
Article 39 Relevant departments shall facilitate the foreign students' normal study and practical training. Charges collected from them shall be at the same rate as for Chinese students.
Article 40 Foreign students shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations in their publication activities, associations, gatherings, and participation in parades or demonstrations. Foreign students shall, when participating in religious activities, abide by the Stipulations on the Administration of Aliens' Religious Activities within the Territory of the People's Republic of China.
Article 41 The bringing in and posting of goods out of China by foreign students shall conform with China's relevant administrative stipulations.
Chapter VIII Formalities for Entry, Exit and Residence
Article 42 As a general rule, foreign students shall attend to registration formalities for study by presenting their ordinary passports with an "X"_ or "F"_ visa. A foreign student who plans to study in China for more than 6 months shall apply for AN "X"_ visa at the relevant Chinese visa authority abroad by presenting his or her Visa Application Form for Study in China (Form JW201 or Form JW202), letter of acceptance from a university or college in China, and A Foreigner's Physical Examination Record. A foreigner student who plans study in China for less than 6 months shall apply for an "F"_ visa at the Chinese visa authority abroad by presenting his or her Visa Application Form for Study in China (Form JW201 or Form JW202) and A letter of acceptance from a university or college in China. Foreign students who come to China for a short time as a group may apply for an "F"_ group visa with an invitation letter or telegram sent by an authorized entity.
Article 43 Foreigners holding a foreign diplomatic, business, official or special passport with a Chinese diplomatic, business or courtesy visa who wish to study or be trained in a Chinese university or college, shall apply to the Provincial or Ministerial-level Department of Foreign Affairs with a note issued by their own foreign affairs authorities announcing abandonment of privileges and immunities. After this application has been approved by the Department of Foreign Affairs, the foreigner shall apply to have her visa changed to an "X" or "F" visa at the Department of Public Security by presenting a letter of approval issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs. A foreigner holding a foreign diplomatic, business, official or special passport who, according to bilateral agreements, does not need a Chinese visa, but who wishes to study or be trained at a Chinese university or college, shall exchange her passport for an ordinary passport, and then apply for an "X" or "F" visa at the entry and exit section of the Department of Public Security. Foreigners holding an ordinary passport with neither an "X" nor "F" visa wishing to study or be trained at a Chinese university or college shall apply to change their visas to an "X" or "F" visa at the entry and exit section of the Department of Public Security. When accepting the aforementioned applications, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Entry and Exit Section of the Department of Public Security shall review the applicants' Visa Application Form for Study in China (Form JW201 or Form JW202), her letter of acceptance issued by the (Chinese) university or college, and the Foreigner's Physical Examination Record.
Article 44 After receiving a letter of acceptance issued by the university or college, the dependants of the foreign student may apply for "L" visas at the Chinese embassy or consulate where they reside in order to accompany the student to China. The Entry and Exit section of the department of public security shall renew the dependents' visa according to an official letter issued by the university or college. The dependents' term of residence in China shall not exceed the validity period of the foreign student's certificate of residence.
Article 45 After entering the territory of the People's Republic of China, the foreign student who plans to study in China for more than 6 months shall, within the stipulated time limit, have her Foreigner's Physical Examination Record formally certified at the health and quarantine authorities. Those who fail to present their Foreigner's Physical Examination Record shall undergo a physical examination at the offices of the local health and quarantine authorities. Carriers of diseases that, according to China's laws and regulations preclude entry into China shall depart China and return to their country of origin without delay.
Article 46 A foreign student holding an "X" visa shall apply for A Foreigner's Certificate of Residence at the Entry and Exit Section of the Department of Public Security within 30 days after entry. During the period of residence, if any changes occur in regard to any item on the certificate of residence, the foreign student shall apply for alterations at the Entry and Exit Section of the Department of Public Security within 10 days.
Article 47 When transferring to another city for study, the foreign student shall first attend to emigration formalities at the Entry and Exit section of the Department of Public Security of his initial place of residence. Within 10 days after arrival at the new place of residence, the foreign student shall attend to immigration formalities at the Entry and Exit Section of the Department of Public Security at the place of immigration.
Article 48 The foreign student shall attend to re-entry formalities before their departure if they want to exit China temporarily during their term of study. Those who plan to study or stay in China after their visas or certificates of residence have expired shall attend to renewal formalities before the expiry date.
Article 49 Foreign students who have graduated, completed study, or left school shall exit China within the stipulated time limit. Their university or college shall promptly advise the Entry and Exit Section of the Department of Public Security of the names of those foreign students who have been ordered to withdraw or who have been expelled. The Entry and Exit Section of the Department of Public Security shall withdraw their Foreigner's Certificate of Residence or shorten their period of stay in China.
Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions
Article 50 The acceptance of foreign students by educational institutions other than universities and colleges offering full-time degree education shall be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Education. Relevant administrative procedures shall be determined separately.