日本语、英语、汉语/校长欢迎词: President’s Welcome Remarks(图文)


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Established in 1931, Hubei University of Education (HUE), a key undergraduate tertiary institution under Hubei Province, offers excellence in teacher education as one of the core center of teacher education across Hubei, with disciplines stretching from K12 education, liberal arts to sci-tech. HUE is located in the downtown of “China Optics Valley”, with a camps of 114.5 hectares. At present, there are 15 colleges at the university, 49 undergraduate programs, roughly 17000 full-time students and 1000 faculties. In addition, three governmental administration organs at provincial level are set at the university, they are: Continuing Education Center of K12 Teachers, School Principals Training Center, and Accreditation Center of K12 Teacher Qualifications. Accordingly, HUE has played a vital role in leading the K12 educational reform and development locally all over the Province.
Globally, the university attaches great importance on international exchanges and cooperation, and at present it maintains a variety of overseas programs in joint diploma education and short-term academic visits with partners from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea and Norway.
   Each and every nation has created its own brilliant culture in its history, which are the common treasures of all mankind. Through learning from each other and creative development, we may find it possible to bring the ancient cultures new life to the world today, and consequently make greater contributions to global cultural diversity and harmony around the world. Therefore, our university proudly generates “Experience China” partnership programs for foreign students , aiming to help them better understand China through Chinese language teaching and culture introduction, deepen the cultural integration, and improve the international skills of the workforce for their future career development.
    Chinese culture is broad and profound, and Chinese language (Mandarin) is part of the very ‘DNA’ of the longest continuous civilization of five millennia in the world, the core building block of Chinese culture. Mandarin has the biggest population of native speakers over 1.4 billion, and serves as one of the official language in the United Nations. As the second largest global economy, Mandarin has turned into the most exquisite and bestselling cultural product of China. To our joy, as our country has been exerting an increasingly full play locally and globally, according to the language statistics by December 2015, Mandarin now has more than 170 million learners across the globe. This is a key trend for the people of the world outside China to truly grasp the depth and breadth of Chinese culture and civilization. Mandarin is now well on its way to become China’s fastest-growing cultural export and means of communication. Mandarin offers a path to grasp all facets of the Chinese society, from outside to inside, and it is the most direct and effective key to understanding today’s China.. So, warmly welcome you to start or continue your adventure of learning Mandarin and Chinese culture based in our university.
Globally, we are one of the key universities appointed by State HANBAN (Confucius Institute Headquarters) and Hubei Provincial Education Commission to deploy Chinese volunteers to South Asia countries each year. On that basis, HUE provides short-term Mandarin courses and bachelor degree programs for international students. These programs mainly focus on Chinese conversation skills and a mix of in-depth cultural exploration of the five millennia, which are always well accepted by the visiting students.
As a Confucius quote goes, “Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar!” Here, I’d like to, in the honor of 18000 students, faculty and staff of the university, express our sincere welcome and blessings on your visit, wish you to make more friends,discover a different China with your own eyes, and enjoy a unique “Experience China” time in your journey of life.   
湖北第二师范学院 校长

    Tailored Programmes for Short-term Learners of Chinese Language and Culture

1. 文学院の教師は中国語の授業を担当し、同時に同学院の優秀な中国人学生を選び、一対一で授業外の復習。
2. 体育学院は太極拳の授業を担当する。授業外では同学院の学生と見習う。
3. 芸術学院の教師は中国民族音楽、舞踊、書道などを教え、中国文化の体験ができる。
4. 見学体験は国際交流センターが担当する。例えば:市内への観光、古典の鑑賞、漢劇の鑑賞、黄鶴楼への見学、市外へは二泊三日の旅(長江三峡の下り、道教文化武当山、湖北少数民族地域への見学、西安兵馬俑博物館への見学など選択ができる)

1. The College of Chinese Studies is responsible for Chinese language learning as well as one-on-one tutoring service;
2. The College of Physical Education is responsible for Taiji of Marshal Arts learning as well as one-on-one tutoring service;
3. The College of Arts is responsible for hands-on learning of Chinese traditional Chinese arts , including Chinese musical instruments and tunes, paper-cutting, folk dancing as well as Chinese calligraphy and paintings;
4. The International Office is responsible for the downtown cultural tours such as to China Chimes Concert, Han Opera Concert, a sightseeing of the Yellow Crane Tower, and also another a three-day-tour to an alternative destination of  the Three Gorges of Yangtze River, Wudang Taoist Mt., the residential villages of Hubei Ethnic Minorities, or the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum of XiAn City.

1. 文学院教师负责中文教学,并选拔同专业学生一对一课外辅导;

2. 体育学院负责太极拳教学,并选拔同专业学生一对一辅导;

3. 艺术学院教师负责中国民族音乐、剪纸、舞蹈、书画等文化体验教学;

4. 校外参观体验由外事处负责安排,例如市内编钟表演、汉剧表演、黄鹤楼参观,外地三日游游览可以选择长江三峡、武当山道教、湖北少数民族地区或西安兵马俑博物馆等。